

                                               ABOUT  US

KOSHI is a women's nonprofit association dedicated to actively engage with the population of the Peruvian Amazon by participating in the educational and cultural life of the local people. We aim to promote knowledge transfer between individuals from different cultures, to encourage tolerance of diversity and to foster the Amazonian culture as a driving force for local development and social welfare. Our work is combined with a vision for conscious socio-economic growth and social inclusion for the most vulnerable parts of the population, specifically children and women.

                                           LOCAL KNOWLEDGE:

Local knowledge is the traditional knowledge of the members of a community that has endured over time and continues to develop. It is based on experience and is at the root of their daily practices, relationships, institutions and rituals; it is dynamic and always changing. This knowledge relates to the whole system of concepts, beliefs and perceptions that people have of the world, it is how they measure and assess the environment, their manner to solve problems and to process information; it is how people generate and accumulate knowledge, apply it and transmit it to others. According to the "UNESCO Declaration on the Protection and Promotion of Cultural Expressions" 2005, "cultural diversity is as necessary for humankind as biodiversity is for nature".

KOSHI works in neighborhoods and communities, the association moves between urban villages and virgin rainforest, touring culturally diverse spaces and times. We collaborate not only with indigenous communities, but also with the multicultural society of the rainforest of Madre de Dios, with tourists, travelers, student groups from Peru or from other countries and continents. The association wants to create synergy between different actors through a journey of variety of socio-economic and cultural realities in order to arrive at a society capable of providing full and decent life inclusion. Fighting against poverty and global environmental problems will be achieved by creating strategies that provide knowledge, skills and opportunities to people

                                      CULTURAL TOURISM

Cultural Tourism is a way of living in the rainforest by communicating with local people and knowing their customs, visiting places that conventional tourism does not normally offer and engaging tourist’s personal vocations and skills in a rewarding way.
The journey through the Amazon jungle is an unforgettable one through flora and fauna, but also because of the smiling people, who live mixture of quiet and strong lives. The rainforest with its beauty and its socio-environmental issues is an important part of the planet and it is a privilege to know it! This intercultural exchange and enjoyment of leisure time is an important means of personal development for both tourists and local people.



Our main goal and focus is to promote activities of knowledge and skills sharing and to stimulate cultural expression. Traditional knowledge is an important resource not only for local communities but also for humanity, it is a source of intangible and material wealth that needs to be protected and promoted. On the other hand, other forms of modern abilities and information are important to help this intercultural exchange and to stimulate socio-cultural development of the world’s population. We want to generate a dynamic of social responsibility and trust among society.

Our vision is to promote social welfare through interactive education, art and a variety of cultural expressions, sports and healing. It is an effective and free way to provide access to values, goods and services. Through these activities we encourage children, young people and adults to be proud of who they are and give them tools to research their own culture and folklore and explore the ethnical, linguistical and biological diversity of their territory, which for its biodiversity has been declared “capital of the biodiversity of Peru”.


Mediation is a tool that “bridges the gap” between differences in order to have positive and successful communication. KOSHI provides a unique opportunity to enhance cultural understanding and knowledge sharing. We offer a variety of training and workshops to teach more about the Amazonian worldview, about their medicine, smiles, traditions and sense of time. On the other hand, we give you an opportunity to express your personal vocation and skills. We also use theater, cinema, photography, art, dance, sports, literature and technology as a tool to stimulate cultural manifestation and to find new forms of expression and community involvement.

Through alternative forms of communication and mutual stimulation we seek to recover local history and reinforce identity, talk about the specific problems of the Peruvian Amazon jungle and reverse issues of social exclusion. This is a collective effort to create and produce ideas, values ​​and practices.



We want to generate a dynamic of social responsibility and trust through access to our management resources used during our activities and administrative processes.

Many non-profit organizations realize sustainable development projects profiting with high personal incomes and generating bureaucratic papers rather than real results. KOSHI undertakes the task to avoid this global trend and be part of a network of people who create a fair and joyful world.